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Radix Submission Form - Between Worlds

Between Worlds


How do you react when you encounter realities that don’t resonate with each other? What do you do when you feel uncertain about the way things are, or the way things should be? Who do you talk to?  

In engaging with society we are inclined to experience contradiction. In making sense of it, we straddle multiple worlds. Indeed, much of being alive is juggling a multiplicity, or lack, of truths. Certainty and uncertainty, the ebb and flow and doubling-back of time, cycles and splotches of light and darkness—grappling with these requires a mental flexibility, a kind of self-aware subjectivity that embraces play and is wary of dogma.  

In this edition of radix, we hope you’ll explore the ways in which you exist, imagine, and relate between worlds. How can interfaith and intrafaith dialogues bridge distances between worlds? How can a friend, a child, or a student engage with the worlds of their friends, their ancestors, their peers? Does social justice require imagining a different world altogether? Through art, photography, prose, and poetry, consider how you exist in this world, and the worlds of others.  

Submissions are due March 1, 2024 and will be published in the Winter 2024 issue of radix in mid-march. We accept everything from illustrations to poetry to photography to short stories to finger painting, as long as it is respectful to all identities and all traditions. Forms of media that cannot be published on paper can be published on our website. 

Theme: “Between Worlds"
Deadline: March 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM

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