Group and Community Practice

two women color in MORSL's interfaith loungeLooking for a group or a community of practice to keep on track with your inner wellness routine? MORSL regularly organizes or sponsors events to assist students in achieving spiritual growth, without proselytizing or coercion.

In addition to our own events, we curate a weekly comprehensive listing that includes student-led meetings for worship, community-building and support. To get this directly in your inbox, sign up for our newsletter

For further resources, MORSL provides a directory of student groups on campus that support religious and spiritual life at McGill. 


Ongoing Weekly Community Meditations

Drawing of white dove flying with olive branch in its beak.Quaker Practice

During the school year, Quaker faith meditations take place at MORSL on Thursdays at 5:00 pm ET (starting September 7th for  Fall 2023). Send them a message on their Facebook group's page and keep up with any scheduling and other options such as Zoom.

What to expect: The essence of the Quaker tradition is that there is something divine in every person. Thus, no need for priests, hierarchy, or dogma; there are atheist Quakers, Buddhist Quakers, Christian Quakers, and more. Quakers meet in stillness and silence: the goal of this practice is to discern our highest truth so we can speak and act from it. Sometimes, it feels right to share something from that encounter with the group. If so, we speak it aloud.


McGill Meditation club logoMcGill Meditation Club

The Meditation Club meets Tuesdays 5-6pm (starting September 19th for Fall 2023) in MORSL's beautiful meditation and prayer space.  The goal of The Meditation Club is to foster the practice of meditation, and discuss the theory behind it.

Keep up to-date with practice times by checking out their Facebook page or meditation [at] (email) them for more info.


mindfulness and awareness symbol: drops of water being reflected by the surfaceOff-campus Mindfulness Meditation

MORSL's Gnostic Faith Volunteer Jonathan Stewart offers secular meditation sessions on Sunday mornings, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM as part of the Online Mile End Meditation initiative The sessions are held via Google Meet.

MORSL's volunteer facilitator, Devaki Groulx, has been practicing meditation under the guidance of Spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy since 1972 and teaching meditation since the 80s. She is the co-leader of the Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre with her husband, Vidura, who is also a volunteer facilitator with MORSL. Their centre hosts free online meditation classes but registration is required. Find out more on their  website that offers registration for free local Meditation classes.


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