I Am...

30 May 2024

Unique. That word has grown up with me throughout the years… From kindergarten, high school, and finally through university, unique has always been the word that has been entrenched in the back of...

Do Ye Remember Me; I Will Remember You

24 May 2024

I feel stressed about my upcoming biology exam. I’m saddened by the death of my friend’s mother. My grandparents’ declining health worries me. I’ve overjoyed by my recent academic accomplishment....

What is Sufism?

15 Nov 2023

Sufism is the broad term given to several related mystical schools, or movements within Islam. Although elements of mysticism have always been present in Islam to some degree or another Sufism...

Ratha Yatra Festival of India

12 Jul 2023

On July 8, 2023, I attended the Ratha Yatra Festival of India with MORSL staff and McGill students during a My Neighbour’s Faith Event. It was a moving experience to be immersed in Hindu traditions...

A New Muslim Chaplain Joins our Team

29 May 2023

Faisal Malik is the newest member of the MORSL faith volunteer roster, a team that is here to support McGill students of any (and no) faith. Faisal will be specifically supporting Muslim college...

Celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá

16 May 2023

An experience celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá (November 28, 2021) brought some spiritual light and joy into my life at a time I needed it.

The Intersection of Astrology and Spirituality

19 Apr 2023

Most of us can remember a time when we've stared up at the night sky and become wrapped in a sense of peaceful awe by the beauty of the moon, but have you ever wondered about the connection between...

Interfaith Dialogue at the Colloquium on the Spirituality of Young People

29 Mar 2023

On Wednesday, March 22nd, students, professors, faith leaders, and members of the greater Montreal community gathered together for a Colloquium on the Spirituality of Young People. The colloquium...

In a Perfect World We'd All be Pantheists

8 Feb 2023

Many Eastern and Native religions are concerned with the conservation of nature and the preservation of the environment. Pantheism is an ancient religion that developed well before Buddhism or...


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