Rabais pour l’épicerie : 467 $ par année pour une famille, c’est 9 $ par semaine, nuance un économiste

Published: 3 April 2023

Le budget fédéral dévoilé mardi prévoit un « rabais pour l'épicerie » sous forme d'aide ponctuelle pour aider les citoyens à composer avec l'inflation. Cette mesure de 2,5 milliards de dollars, qui...

Alumni Webcast: Why does everything cost so much?

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 12:00to13:00

From droughts in California to Covid lockdowns in China, events occurring thousands of kilometres away are having a profound impact on household economies, hindering our ability to put healthy food...

Agropur sells U.S. manufacturing plant

Published: 13 January 2023

Dairy processor Agropur continues to refocus its activities. After selling its interests in IÖGO yogurts two years ago, in December it sold a Wisconsin-based plant used to manufacture dairy and non...

Food prices continuing to rise, but at a slower rate explains Thériault

Published: 7 December 2022

Food prices have increased by 11% in Quebec in 2022, the largest increase in Canada. In an annual report released on Monday, 26 researchers predict that the upward trend will continue into 2023,...

Feeding the World Population Sustainably

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 09:30to11:00

A Path from Impactful Development to Empowerment Without Jeopardizing Environmental Health ...

The rising cost of ready-made food

Published: 2 March 2022

In 2020, Quebecers spent more than $1.78 billion on frozen and ready-to-eat meals in grocery stores, but how will the rising cost of inflation impact the price of these convenient ready-made meals?


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