Steinberg Fellowships

Gamze Ovacık

Gamze OvacikGamze Ovacık is a Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University Faculty of Law and her areas of interest and expertise are migration and asylum law, international law and human rights law. She has been teaching in these fields at Başkent University Faculty of Law where she holds a position as an assistant professor. In 2022-2023, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Gothenburg Department of Law within the ASILE Project on global asylum governance and the European Union’s role and her research focused on attribution of international responsibility in the context of asylum cooperation. She completed her Ph.D. at Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2021 during which she conducted a comparative analysis of Turkish and European judicial practices on asylum, removal and immigration detention against the background of Turkey’s position as a safe third country. During her Ph.D. studies she joined Radboud University Centre for Migration Law as a visiting researcher in 2019-2020. Since 2012 she has worked with UNHCR, IOM and ICMPD Turkey offices on full-time and freelance basis on various subjects including human rights considerations regarding assisted voluntary return, forced return and alternatives to immigration detention as well as within legislative processes on migration and asylum. She obtained her L.L.M. degree on Public International Law from University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law in 2007.

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