
Workshop: Introduction to Cluster Computing

Monday, January 22, 2024 10:00to12:00

Workshop Overview: This 2h workshop introduces participants to computing in clusters. Using a VM environment that recreates Calcul Québec interface, participants will learn to connect via SSH to and from CQ (including port forwarding and ssh keys), transfer files (scp, rsync and globus), as well as using the modules systems and the scheduler for jobs.

The workshop’s hands-on portion will be accessible to all, but future autonomous usage will only be available to people with access to Calcul Québec (e.g. through their supervisors), and we advise you to ask for an account as soon as possible if you plan to use it in the near fuuture.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand how cluster computing works and when is appropriate to use this type of resource.
- Learn how to connect to a cluster and transfer files.
- Learn how to use the modules system on CQ
- Learn how to use the job scheduler on QC

Prerequisites: Knowledge of file systems and basic shell (Linux/Unix) usage. CDSI offers workshops on Understanding File Systems and Intro to Linux

Resources required: A ssh Client. Windows and Mac users already have one by default.
Location: HYBRID. Online via Zoom, or in-person at Burnside Hall room 1104 (11th floor).
Instructor: Ambrish Raghoonundun, Systems Administrator, Faculty of Science, McGill.

Registration: Register Here

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