75 results in Pure and applied sciences (remove filter)
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) store, analyze and visualize data of geographic positions on the Earth's surface.   The Minor concentration in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing allows you to develop...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Chemical engineers design processes and systems required to scale something a chemist produces in a test tube (like plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals) into mass manufacturable products. All kinds of industries rely on...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, many of the materials we use, and much of the recreation and culture we enjoy are products of ecological systems.  We manage ecosystems to provide us with these...
Professional Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
A program that fosters the ideals of mentorship, the aim of the B.Ed in Secondary Science and Technology Program is to prepare you for a career as a science educator at the secondary school level. This integrated program...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physiology explores the functions of living organisms. Physiologists investigate everything from individual molecules' interactions to the way specific organs work within the human body. Understanding cell and system...
Macdonald Campus
At the Bieler School of Environment, you will learn how to communicate and contribute effectively on a range of environmental issues. Benefit from an environment where ingenuity and openness to new ideas are encouraged – and ...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Geography is the study of physical environments and human habitats. Dealing with people and places, it covers issues such as global warming and climate change, food and water resources, management of ecosystems, human health,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Education for Science Students Minor is a great opportunity to follow your passions and interests in the sciences while developing your skills as an educator. This Minor will give you a solid footing in the basics of...
Macdonald Campus
In the Environmental Biology Major, you'll receive world-class training on the biology, conservation and ecology of plants, birds and mammals, insects, fungi and microbes.  Your courses will offer a foundation in endangered...
Macdonald Campus
The Agricultural Production Minor offers students in non-agricultural related majors a chance to develop expertise in animal and plant production. You can cover topics like ecological agriculture, crop production or herd...


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