Major Research Areas

In addition to addressing the most current and significant health issues, our Faculty advances research performance in the following four major health and disease areas:

Infection, Immunity and Inflammation

The 21st century is witnessing the re-emergence of infectious diseases as a major threat to global health. In that respect, the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020 has been an all-too-dramatic illustration of infectious diseases as an agent of global catastrophe. Our generation now has first-hand experience that pandemics disrupt entire societies worldwide, challenge public health systems, education, social interactions and the economy.


Cancer remains a leading cause of premature death in the western world and is now a significant global challenge in the developing world. Improved strategies for cancer prevention and early detection are required, in parallel with fundamental advances. These latter include the better understanding of the complex interactions between deregulated genetics, gene expression and a broad range of environmental and behavioral risk factors of cancer development.

Neuroscience and Mental Health

Although considerable progress has been made in the management of stroke and other acute brain injuries, chronic diseases of the nervous system remain a major source of morbidity in all age groups. Central nervous system disease also manifests itself as severe neurological and psychiatric disorders, which account for an enormous burden of disease.

Healthcare Across the Lifespan: Development, Rehabilitation & Chronic Diseases

Demographic pressures and the continuing improvement of acute illness treatments have made wellness in aging and the management of chronic diseases major challenges. Healthy aging, with maximum autonomy, over a prolonged life expectancy is a societal priority. In parallel, important advances and reflections around palliative care and end-of-life have raised awareness of individuals and society.

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