Grant Successes for Dentistry Researchers

McGill University researchers in the Faculty of Dentistry received a number of research funds over the Summer, including grants from NSERC, CIHR and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique.

Researchers in the Faculty of Dentistry have received a number of important grants from both the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada: Discovery Grants Program

PI: Dr. Jake Barralet
Project: Self Sustaining Scaffolds
Grant: $39,000.00

PI: Dr. Faleh Tamimi
Project: High toughness bioresorbable ceramics for bone regeneration
Grant: $39,000.00

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

PIs: Drs. Svetlana Komarova, Bettina Willie
Affiliated Institution: CIHR, Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis; Shriners Hospital for Children (Montréal)
Project: Role of extracellular ATP in bone adaptation to mechanical environment
Grant: 5 years, $573,750.

PI: Dr. Monzur Murshed
Affiliated Institution: Research Institute, McGill University Health Centre
Project: Midface hypoplasia caused by cartilage calcification: A mechanistic study with translational implications
Grant: 5 years, $615,060.

PIs: Drs. M. Henderson & Belinda Nicolau
Affiliated Institution: Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine 
Project: Linking lifestyle behaviors, microbiota & cardiometabolic health from childhood to early adulthood: The QUALITY Cohort
Grant: 4 years, $1,089,360


Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique

Programme bilatéral de recherche collaborative Québec – Communauté française de Belgique

PIs: Drs. Simon Tran, Matt Kinsella, Dieter Reinhardt

Project: Optimisation et validation de glande salivaire humaine bioimprimée en 3D ex vivo pour décortiquer la biologie cellulaire de l'aquaporine- 5

Grant: 3 Years, $100,000/yr.

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