BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240517T044026EDT-8812xKOAEh@ DTSTAMP:20240517T084026Z DESCRIPTION:Climate Change\, Air Pollution & Rheumatology\n\nSpeaker: Dr. S asha Bernatsky\n\nJames McGill Professor of Medicine\, Associate Member in Biological and Biomedical Engineering\n\nAt the end of the presentation\, the audience will:\n\n•To describe the ways that climate change can affec t our rheumatology practice.\n •To review evidence that air pollution may a ffect rheumatic disease.\n •To explain the role of rheumatologists in pract icing sustainable healthcare.\n\n \n\nZoom link: 84083444054?pwd=NXFkOEdobXk3MUtuUkFKb09OckNaZz09\n\nFull MUHC Grand Rounds Schedule\n DTSTART:20240611T160000Z DTEND:20240611T170000Z SUMMARY:Climate Change\, Air Pollution & Rheumatology URL: ion-rheumatology-355778 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR