BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240511T035515EDT-7878FUkpGI@ DTSTAMP:20240511T075515Z DESCRIPTION:Are you interested in applying for the Rhodes Scholarship enter ing class of 2024? Are unsure if you are eligible\, or what is included in the scholarship? If yes\, please join the Office of the Dean of Students for several information sessions on what is required for McGill applicants . Please note that the information presented in the information sessions i s based off the requirements for those applying for the Canadian Constitue ncy Scholarship. While the application requirements are generally the same for each constituency\, if you are not eligible for the Canadian Scholars hip we encourage you to carefully review the requirements and deadlines fo r your country/region's application - you can find this information on the  Rhodes website.These information sessions are open to anyone interested i n applying for the entering class of 2024\, regardless of which constituen cy they intend to apply for.  The presentation will be approximately 30-40 minutes followed by a Q&A.Registration is required - a Zoom invitation wi ll be sent the morning of the information session to all those who registe red.Online Event InstructionsZoom to be sent day of DTSTART:20230612T180000Z DTEND:20230612T190000Z SUMMARY:2023 Rhodes Scholarship Information Sessions URL: nformation-sessions-348384 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR