BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240517T203357EDT-6740E7VMdz@ DTSTAMP:20240518T003357Z DESCRIPTION:AGENDA\n\nFeedback Sessions\n\n(9:00 – 10:00)\n\nDr. Harrish Ga ngatharan is a 1st-year resident in Emergency Medicine. He graduated from medical school at McGill University\, where he is also completing his Emer gency Medicine training. Harrish has interests in medical simulation\, qua lity improvement and medical education which he hopes to further explored through research.\n\n“Resident Perspectives on Current Post-Simulation Fee dback – An Observational Study”\n\n(10:00 – 11:00)\n\nDr. Nour Seulami is a 1st-year resident in Emergency Medicine. She graduated from medical scho ol at McGill University\, where she is also completing her residency. Nour is involved in research on language barriers\, hoping to facilitate acces s to marginalized communities. She is currently exploring her interest in medical education\, which has led her to pursue the project she will be pr esenting.\n\n“Type\, Quality and Quantity of Feedback: Observational Study of Resident Feedback After Simulation Activity.”\n\n \n\nDrs. Gangatharan and Seulami are emergency medical residents supervised by Dr. Anali Manes hi\n\n \n DTSTART:20230525T130000Z DTEND:20230525T150000Z SUMMARY:IHSE MEETING URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR