BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240509T035212EDT-395029m1b6@ DTSTAMP:20240509T075212Z DESCRIPTION:Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series\n \npresents\n\n \n\nThe Ice-Ocean Governor: ice-ocean stress feedback limit s Beaufort Gyre spin up \n\na talk by\n\nGianluca Meneghello\n Research Sci entist\, Department of Earth\, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences\,\n MIT\n \nAbstract\n\nThe Beaufort Gyre is a key circulation system of the Arctic Ocean and its main reservoir of freshwater. Freshwater storage and release affects Arctic sea ice cover\, as well as North Atlantic and global clima te. The dynamics of the gyre is governed by a combination of two mechanism s: eddy fluxes\, and the Ice-Ocean Governor\, a negative feedback between the surface currents and the ice speed. Wind blows over the ice\, and the ice drags the ocean. But as the gyre spins up\, currents catch the ice up and turn off the surface stress. The governor sets the basic properties of the gyre\, such as its depth\, freshwater content\, and strength.\n\nWe w ill look at the ice-ocean governor from the theoretical\, numerical and th e observational point of view. Using observational evidence\, we will comp are the relative role of eddy fluxes and the governor in equilibrating the gyre in the current climate. As the Arctic warms in the future\, reduced sea ice extent and more mobile ice will result in a deeper and faster Beau fort Gyre\, and the accumulated freshwater will be released by Ekman upwel ling or enhanced baroclinic instability.\n\nMonday July 15/ 11:00 AM/ Burn side Hall/ Room 934\n DTSTART:20190715T150000Z DTEND:20190715T163000Z LOCATION:Room 934 SUMMARY:The Ice-Ocean Governor: ice-ocean stress feedback limits Beaufort G yre spin up URL: ean-stress-feedback-limits-beaufort-gyre-spin-297910 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR