BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240519T232029EDT-4700Xmgns5@ DTSTAMP:20240520T032029Z DESCRIPTION:The Doctoral Colloquium is open to all.\n\nDoctoral Colloquium:  Kristin M. Franseen\, postdoctoral fellow in History at Concordia Univers ity\, McGill University alumna in Musicology\n\nTitle: Imagining Imagining Musical Pasts: On Unusual Sources and the Dissertation-to-Book Process\n \nAbstract: My first book\, Imagining Musical Pasts: The Queer Literary Mu sicology of Vernon Lee\, Rosa Newmarch\, and Edward Prime-Stevenson (Clems on University Press\, 2023)\, explores the variety of sources\, approaches to musical interpretation\, and literary genres present in selected early 20th-century queer historical writings on 18th- and 19th-century opera an d symphonic music. In this presentation\, I will outline the paths this pr oject took over the course of my doctoral studies at the Schulich School o f Music and postdoctoral research in the Department of History at Concordi a\, with a dual focus on some of the joys and challenges of working with u nreliable historical sources and the process of continuing to live with th e dissertation project after graduation.\n\nBiography: Kristin M. Franseen received her PhD in musicology from McGill University in 2019 and is curr ently a postdoctoral fellow in history at Concordia University\, where her research is supported by the FRQSC. Her work appears in various journals and magazines\, including Music & Letters\, 19th-Century Music\, the Journ al of Historical Fictions\, VAN Magazine\, and the Cahiers de la SQRM. Her next project is a literary reception history of Antonio Salieri\, with a focus on narratives of gossip and collegiality in the Western musical cano n.\n DTSTART:20240410T203000Z DTEND:20240410T220000Z LOCATION:A-832\, Elizabeth Wirth Music Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1E3\, 527 rue Sherbrooke Ouest SUMMARY:Doctoral Colloquium (Music) | Kristin Franseen URL: istin-franseen-354606 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR