BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240518T113111EDT-5720nSHC3e@ DTSTAMP:20240518T153111Z DESCRIPTION:In affiliation with Prof. Adelle Blackett’s course on Slavery a nd the Law\, we present three screenings of the acclaimed CBC documentary series Enslaved (2020).\n\nFor our launch event we have invited the Emmy A ward winning director/executive producer of the series\, Ric Esther Bienst ock\, to watch and discuss with us Episode 2 on the rationalization of the transatlantic slave-trade.\n\nOpen to all. Come as you are!\n\nThe Law an d Film team:\n\nEdward van Daalen (McGill Faculty of Law)\n\nMathilde Bari l-Jannard (McGill Faculty of Law)\n\neatingpopcornlikealawyer [at] gmail.c om\n DTSTART:20240123T223000Z DTEND:20240124T000000Z LOCATION:NCDH - Room 100 (Moot Court)\, McGill Faculty of Law SUMMARY: Eating Popcorn like a Lawyer Presents: A Special Series on Slavery and The Law featuring Ric Esther Bienstock URL: -special-series-slavery-and-law-featuring-ric-esther-bienstock-354434 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR