BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240515T181118EDT-2336cofCU1@ DTSTAMP:20240515T221118Z DESCRIPTION:La Chaire Oppenheimer en droit public international\, en collab oration avec le Centre pour les droits de la personne et le pluralisme jur idique\, organise un panel de discussion qui comparera les politiques d'ac cueil des réfugiés en Turquie et au Liban\, et comment certaines de ces po litiques reposent sur l'exclusion institutionnelle\, sociale\, économique et spatiale.\n\nRésumé\n\n[En anglais seulement] Refugee populations are o ften perceived as an unexpected\, disruptive\, and temporary burden. This perception often drives countries of asylum to adopt short-term and exclus ionary policies regarding refugees’ rights and settlements strategies.\n\n Almost 85% of the world’s refugees are in the Middle East & North Africa. This region has witnessed during the last few decades two of the most sign ificant refugee crises. First\, with the Palestinian refugee influx in 194 8. Second\, with the Syrian conflict after 2011. While in Turkey\, the Syr ian refugee population is estimated to be of nearly 3.5 million\, Lebanon is hosting almost 500\,000 Palestinians and 1.5 million Syrians.\n\nThis p resentation compares refugee hosting and settlements policies in Turkey an d in Lebanon. It seeks to demonstrate that in Lebanon\, the same policies\ , those adopted 70 years ago vis-à-vis the Palestinians\, are being implem ented today with Syrian refugees. These policies are based on institutiona l\, social\, economic and spatial exclusion.\n\nSeeking to dissuade refuge es from staying\, they engender similar drawbacks: competition over housin g and jobs\, refugee exploitation\, increasing poverty\, growing social te nsions\, security breaches\, and (sometimes armed) ghettoization. The Leba nese experience will be then compared with the Turkish hosting policies fo r Syrian refugees\, with an emphasis on the Turkey-EU deal.\n\nThis panel highlights the importance of long-term planning and development strategies for refugees. It examines the benefits of integrative approaches and refu gee empowerment for both refugee and host populations.\n\nLes participant. e.s\n\n\n Rouba Al-Salem est boursière Steinberg en droit et politique des migrations internationales (2017-2018) au Centre sur les droits de la pers onne et du pluralisme juridique de la Faculté de droit de l'Université McG ill.\n Faten Kikano est chercheuse et doctorante à la Faculté de l'aménagem ent de l'Université de Montréal.\n Semuhi Sinanoğlu est un consultant en ma tière de politique turque et un boursier de la Fondation Jeanne Sauvé.\n Na ndini Ramanujam\, Directrice exécutive du Centre sur les droits de la pers onne et le pluralisme juridique\, agira comme modératrice.\n  \n\n\n \n DTSTART:20180316T160000Z DTEND:20180316T180000Z LOCATION:NCDH 202\, Pavillon Chancellor-Day\, CA\, QC\, Montréal\, H3A 1W9\ , 3644\, rue Peel SUMMARY:On Spaces and Rights: Refugee Hosting and Settlement Policies in Le banon and Turkey URL: osting-and-settlement-policies-lebanon-and-turkey-285133 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR