BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240519T082751EDT-6285txDpCp@ DTSTAMP:20240519T122751Z DESCRIPTION:Séminaire CIPP/Lallemand avec Cristina Lopes Margarido et Falk Giemsa de l'Office européen des brevets. Gonzalo Lavin (Goudreau Gage Dubu c) agira comme répondant.\n\nDescription\n\n[en anglais seulement]\n\nThe presentation concerns the examination practice of computer-implemented inv entions (CII) in the field of business methods\, gaming\, training and tea ching at the European Patent Office (EPO) which is essentially marked by t wo hurdles:\n\n\n The exclusion from patentability\n The requirement for an inventive step\n\n\nWhen drafting patent applications in the field of busi ness methods\, gaming\, training and teaching it is quite easy to overcome the first hurdle\, while most patent applications in this area are refuse d for lack of inventive step.  Learn what can be done to overcome these hu rdles.\n\nCristina Lopes Margarido has a degree in electro-technical and c omputer engineering\, and a post-graduate degree in quantitative methods i n management\, both from the University of Porto. Since 2002 she has been working as a patent examiner at the European Patent Office in Munich\, in the areas of electronic commerce\, payment systems and educational applian ces. She has vast experience in Oral Proceedings in examination and has pa rticular expertise in the controversial area of non-patentable matter and the technical/non-technical assessment of computer implemented inventions. \n\nFalk Giemsa joined the European Patent Office in 2002 where he works a s patent examiner / senior expert in the field of computer-implemented inv entions (CII)\, methods for doing business and training systems. In additi on\, he has been active as trainer for CII and IPR matters\, coach for exa miners and co-author of patent-related publications. Before joining the EP O\, Falk worked as researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Communicatio n Systems. He is Luxembourger and holds a degree as computer scientist com bined with business studies from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Mun ich.\n\nGonzalo Lavin joined Goudreau Gage Dubuc as a partner in 2007 and is a registered patent agent in both Canada and the United States. He star ted his career in 1995 working at a Montreal-based intellectual property f irm. He also worked in the intellectual property department of an internat ional telecommunications company. Gonzalo Lavin is a member of the Order o f Professional Engineers of Quebec and of the Intellectual Property Instit ute of Canada. He practices in the telecommunications\, electronics\, soft ware\, electrical and mechanical areas\, working closely with a full range of clients\, including universities\, high tech companies\, and foreign p atent firms.\n\nL’événement est ouvert à tous. Nous avons demandé une accr éditation d’un dispensateur reconnu aux fins de la formation continue obli gatoire pour une durée de 1\,5 heures. Des frais de 30$ s’appliqueront pou r les avocats qui demandent une attestation d’accréditation CLE.\n DTSTART:20171020T170000Z DTEND:20171020T183000Z LOCATION:NCDH 202\, Chancellor Day Hall\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1W9\, 36 44 rue Peel SUMMARY:Patenting Computer Implemented Inventions (CII) – The European Pate nt Office Experience URL: ted-inventions-cii-european-patent-office-experience-273100 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR