
Kyle Henderson, PhD Candidate receives 2020 Hugh C. Morris Fellowship

Congratulations to Kyle ! Recipient of 1 of 2 Hugh C. Morris Experiential Learning Fellowship. Administered by the Kimberley Foundation, the fellowship supports a student-designed self-guided experiential program related to studies in earth sciences, climate change, sustainability, or the social impact, social sciences or design sciences concern with earth, sustainability of environmental issues.

Published: 26 Mar 2020

New technique for measuring greenhouse gas production from thawing permafrost

A research team led by McGill University geochemist Peter Douglas has used a new method for measuring the rate at which methane is produced by microbes breaking down thawing permafrost. “There is a lot of concern about methane being released from permafrost, but we don’t know how available carbon that has been frozen for thousands of years is to microbes,” says Douglas, an assistant professor in McGill’s Department of Earth and Pl

Published: 26 Mar 2020


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