BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240512T022625EDT-0100vCNmSM@ DTSTAMP:20240512T062625Z DESCRIPTION:This event\, held at Chalet Kent\, a youth center in Côte-des-N eiges\, features a discussion on the role and impact of Black and African music and music-making on the lives of Black\, African diaspora\, and Afri can youth in Montreal.\n\nThe intended audience will be a mix of young art ists\, education students\, and others who are interested in the transform ative potentials of Black music.\n\nLocation: Chalet Kent\, Côte-des-Neige s\n\nbryan.johnson [at] (Email for More Information)\n DTSTART:20240411T210000Z DTEND:20240411T230000Z LOCATION:Chalet Kent\, Côte-des-Neiges SUMMARY:Black Speakers Series: African Diaspora Youth\, Music\, and Educati on URL: ican-diaspora-youth-music-and-education-355736 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR