BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240506T111043EDT-13219V7hiK@ DTSTAMP:20240506T151043Z DESCRIPTION:Global Health Programs would like to give McGill students or tr ainees interested in global health the chance to attend the 9th Annual Con sortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference held March 15- 18th\, 2018 in New York City. To be eligible\, participants must be enroll ed at McGill. Participants do not have to be presenting at the meeting to be eligible to apply. The selected student will have to help staff the McG ill Global Health Programs information booth during times at the conferenc e. Up to two bursaries will be awarded.\n\nLearn more and apply here.\n DTSTART:20180126T044500Z DTEND:20180126T044500Z SUMMARY:DEADLINE: CUGH 2018 Travel Bursary URL: -bursary-283878 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR