
Atelier de survie McGill : feu à friction

Lundi, 4 décembre, 2017 12:00à13:00
Musée Redpath 859, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3A 0C4, CA
$20 per person regardless of how many workshops you attend

Join us for the new Survival workshops for and at McGill, for McGill students, staff and all personnel.

Would you like to learn traditional skill like foraging for edible plants, wood carving, fire starting, or shelter building etc.?

Space is limited. Workshops are held over lunch hour once a month at the Redpath Museum. To register please connect: redpath.museum [at] mcgill.ca.

You will need to pay $20 in cash when you arrive. This subsidizes the costs of materials and supplies.

Thanks to Dean Lennox, Faculty of Science, for support of this series.

Stay tuned for a new series of Survival Workshops for Winter 2018.

PHOTO: Students starting fire with a giant bow drill. by Jacky Farrell, 2016.


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