
Art as an Agent of Social Change [AIRG Symposium]

Friday, October 12, 2018toSaturday, October 13, 2018

October 12 & 13, 2018

Fees & Registration | Committee Members | Keynote Speaker | Program | Presenters Performance Hotels | Sponsors | Media Disclaimer

2018 AIRG Symposium | McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Fees: Regular: CAD 75 +tax / Students: CAD 35 +tax. Registration opens end of May (payment through credit card only).

Please note that registration is now closed.

The Artful Inquiry symposium is an interdisciplinary forum for sharing scholarship, practices, and research on artful inquiry and methods in higher education.

The 2018 symposium will explore:

  • What are the ways in which, as an educator, you address art as an agent for social change within your classroom?
  • As an artist/educator, what collaborations have taken place, or could take place, in the classroom? What types of art experiences would you like to see incorporated into classrooms or curriculum?
  • Artful practice as an internal process – as a teacher/educator/artist, how can you incorporate art for social/personal change? 
  • How does art permit critical discussions of power asymmetry (#metoo, truth & reconciliation, etc.)

The Artful Inquiry Symposium 2018 schedule emphasizes concurrent sessions led by scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners that  demonstrate and investigate how arts-based practices are being used in higher education to build more holistic relationships and institutions.

These sessions may take the form of research presentations, experiential workshops, arts-based practice sessions, performances, roundtable conversations, panel discussions, or other creative modes of sharing. 

Faculty, staff, students, researchers, and administrators from all sectors of academia as well as artists and community members/organizers are encouraged to attend.

Credits - 2018 AIRG Symposium logo design by Aaron Richmond

               2018 AIRG Symposium CFP design by Emmy Côté

Follow us on FB @ https://www.facebook.com/airgmcgill/

Note: children are welcome at the Symposium. 


To find out about AIRG's 2018 Committee Members, please visit our website.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER | Dr. Patricia Leavy is an independent scholar. She has published twenty-five books, earning commercial and critical success in both nonfiction and fiction. Her bestselling titles include Research Design, Handbook of Arts-Based Research, Method Meets Art, The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, Blue, American Circumstance, and Low-Fat Love. She is creator and editor for seven book series, cofounder and co-editor-in-chief of Art/Research International, and a blogger. She has received career awards from the American Creativity Association, the American Educational Research Association, the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, and the National Art Education Association. In 2016 Mogul named her an “Influencer.” In 2018, SUNY-New Paltz established the “Patricia Leavy Award for Art and Social Justice.”

Keynote presentation: October 12, 2018, Jack Cram Auditorium (EDUC-129), Education building, 3700 McTavish St., 5-6 pm. Reception 6-7 pm.


To download the e-program, please visit our website


To get to know the presenters of the 2018 AIRG Symposium, please visit our website 


No Bad Sound Studios’ Performance

NBS is an inclusive, safe space for young artists to grow their creative abilities and expand their knowledge and experience of studio recording. They take a hands-on, practical approach to teaching youth about music production, recording, mixing, performance and writing songs. Young artists of different ages, backgrounds and skill sets come together to develop projects revolving around music. Relationships and networking naturally evolve into music groups, collaborations and teams of like-minded young artists. Their purpose is to help develop confidence, creative thinking and transferable skills in life, through music and art. NBS Studio was developed in 2007 and remains one of the longest standing programs offered by the Maison des Jeunes Cotes-des-Neiges.

October 12, 2018, Education building lobby, 3700 McTavish St. Performance & Reception, 6-7 pm.

For more info. visit NBS' WebsiteFacebookInstagram

HOTELS | For a list of possible accommodations during your visit to Montreal, check the McGill Housing and Conference Services


We thank our sponsors the Post-Graduate Students' Society (PGSS) and the Education Graduate Students' Society (EGSS) at McGill University, and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) for providing our participants with free Museum access from October 11-14. 


Please note that by participating and attending the 2018 AIRG Symposium, you are consenting to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used on websites and social media for educational and promotional purposes by organizers, participants and attendees.

Please remember that if you do not wish to be videotaped or have your photo taken, inform the person taking the video and/or photograph. If they are taking it from afar, we cannot guarantee that it will not be used and/or disseminated.

Please note that the Artful Inquiry Research Group (AIRG) & McGill University and their members are not responsible for any videos/audio and/or photos taken by participants and attendees as well as their dissemination. Therefore, you release AIRG and McGill University and their members from any liability connected with the taking, recording, or publication of photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.


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